

Lotus 荷花 Lily 百合花 Rose 玫瑰 Tulip 郁金香 carnation 康乃馨 peony 牡丹 cherry blossom 樱花 chrysanthemum 菊花 orchid兰花



如果是全名的话就是Ling Lan,如果只是名的话就是Linglan。铃兰(学名:Convallaria majalis Linn.)是百合科、铃兰属植物。气味甜,全株有毒。多年生草本。植株矮小,全株无毛,地下有多分枝而匍匐平展的根状茎。具光泽。呈鞘状互相抱着,基部有数枚鞘状的膜质鳞片。叶椭圆形或卵状披针形,花钟状,下垂,总状花序,苞片披针形,膜质,花柱比花被短。入秋结圆球形暗红色浆果,有毒,内有椭圆形种子,扁平。花果期5~7月。形态特征铃兰是多年生草本植物,植株全部无毛,高18-30厘米,常成片生长。叶椭圆形或卵状披针形,长7-20厘米,宽3-8.5厘米,先端近急尖,基部楔形;叶柄长8-20厘米。花葶高15-30厘米,稍外弯;苞片披针形,短于花梗;花梗长6-15毫米,近顶端有关节,果熟时从关节处脱落;花白色,长宽各5-7毫米;裂片卵状三角形,先端锐尖,有1脉;花丝稍短于花药,向基部扩大,花药近矩圆形;花柱柱状,长2.5-3毫米。浆果直径6-12毫米,熟后红色,稍下垂。


3,Lily ot the valley中文是什么意思

楼主是不是打错了,我记得是铃兰,铃兰应该是:Lily of the valley可能就是因为楼主打错了,所以翻译机翻译不出来。
lily of the valley山谷的百合词典结果:lily of the valleyn.铃兰; 复数:lilies of the valleylily of the valley例句:1.the white bell-shaped flowers of the lily of the valley are well known, however, the plantoccasionally bears orange-red, fleshy berries, which are lesser known to the generalpublic. 铃兰的白色铃形花朵举世闻名,但是它有时也会结出橘红色肥硕果实,一般人不知道。
那是俗名,学名就是Convallaria majalis(铃兰),一种北半球亚欧寒温带林地草本开花植物。

Lily ot the valley中文是什么意思

4,铃兰 英文名

Lily of the Valley 铃兰Convallaria majalis, commonly known as the Lily of the Valley or Lily-of-the-Valley, is the only species in the genus Convallaria in the flowering plant family Ruscaceae, formerly placed in the lily family Liliaceae or in its own family called Convallariaceae. This woodland plant is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe and a limited native population in Eastern USA [1] (Convallaria majalis var. montana.) It is a herbaceous perennial plant that forms extensive colonies by spreading underground stems called rhizomes that send out stolons. These send up numerous stems each spring.

5,铃兰 英文名

Lily of the Valley 铃兰Convallaria majalis, commonly known as the Lily of the Valley or Lily-of-the-Valley, is the only species in the genus Convallaria in the flowering plant family Ruscaceae, formerly placed in the lily family Liliaceae or in its own family called Convallariaceae. This woodland plant is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe and a limited native population in Eastern USA [1] (Convallaria majalis var. montana.) It is a herbaceous perennial plant that forms extensive colonies by spreading underground stems called rhizomes that send out stolons. These send up numerous stems each spring.

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